Dispatcher USA

Arctic Transport LLC
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: De la 1500 Până la 4000 USD
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: În locația angajatorului
Schedule and Dispatch
- Schedule trucks and drivers for pickups and deliveries.
- Dispatch drivers for shipment pick-ups and deliveries.
- Communicate effectively with customers and drivers regarding schedules, routes, and delivery times.

Route Planning
- Plan and optimize route efficiency to ensure timely deliveries and pick-ups.
- Consider factors such as traffic, distance, truck capacity, and driver hours when planning routes.

Driver Communication
- Maintain constant communication with drivers via phone, GPS systems, or other communication technologies to monitor progress and address any on-the-road issues.
- Provide drivers with necessary information about orders, traffic, and weather conditions.

Customer Service
- Act as the point of contact for customers regarding shipping inquiries.
- Update customers on the status of their shipments, including anticipated delays.

Record Keeping
- Record and maintain files and records of customer requests, work or services performed, charges,
expenses, inventory, and other dispatch information.
- Document and manage driver logs for hours of service and equipment maintenance.

Problem Resolution
- Resolve problems concerning transportation, logistics systems, imports or exports, or customer issues.
- Respond effectively to emergencies or unexpected situations involving the transportation network.

Schedule: Monday - Friday 15:00 - 00.00
Persoana de contact:
Codreanu Aliona
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