Safety experts & consulting

Safety Experts & Consulting
Oraș: Chișinău
Studii: Orice
Experiența de munca: Orice
Salariu: De la 800 Până la 1000 USD
Program de muncă: Full-time
Locul de muncă: În locația angajatorului
We are looking for an individual who can work in a team office environment to ensure compliance with Federal and State Department of Transportation regulations and laws. Onboard drivers and ensure proper paperwork is obtained. Instruct drivers regarding company regulations, penalties for infractions of rules, and safety policies and procedures. Maintain and apply current policies, regulations, and trucking industry processes.

Primary Responsibility:
Responsible for ensuring that all driver files are compliant during the onboarding process, and responsible for managing a driver file to ensure it stays compliant.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment.
Ability to work in a team-oriented office environment.
Ability to adapt to a continuously changing work environment.
Demonstrated ability to innovate and support change.
Experienced with computer-based software systems.
Experienced with Microsoft Office Suite.
Good customer service skills (internal and external).
Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of individuals.
Ability to pay close attention to detail.
Must be able to relate to other people beyond giving and receiving instructions.
Office work from 17-00 till 01-00 Monday-Friday
Persoana de contact:
Alexander Ceban
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